Please join Sh Jamel in his next set of classes "What Every Student of Knowledge Needs to Know About The System of Islam (An In-Depth Study of Fiqh of Dawa)." This a 4-week class starting March 10, 2019, every Sunday, from 4-9 pm for at Al-Amaan Center.
The Principal Themes:
1. Study of the characteristics of the system of Islam (i.e. university, viability)
2. Study of the sub-systems of Islam and their role (i.e. social, governmental)
3. Study of the provisions and the moral of the Da'eya
4. Study of the techniques and strategies of the Dawa
To register online: For more info, please email: or call 651.368.9331. This will be held at Al-Amaan Center.
For directions, please click here>