We are happy to announce that Al-Amaan Center will be holding another series of lecture by Sh Jamel Ben Ameur, PhD for Islamic University of Minnesota. Entitled “Tazkiya: Purification of the Soul, A Concrete Approach to the Study of The Tazkiya,” starts June 30, 2019. This is a 5-week class every Sunday, 4-9 pm at Al-Amaan Center.
Please join Sh Jamel as he explores the following topics that help and guide us in maintaining our deen and be worthy of the grace of Allah (SWT):
1. Study the essence and purpose of Tazkiya
2. Understanding the constituents of the system of the soul
3. Understanding the prerequisites of the journey of Tazkiya
4. Learn the path to achieving Tazkiya.
To register online: www.iuminnesota.com
For more info, please email iuminnesota@gmail.com or by phone at 651.368.9331
Register now and we hope to see you all, inshaAllah!