The servant’s faith and awareness of the essence of the truth revealed in the Quran serve as a source of steadfastness on the path of truth. Knowing and believing that it was sent down by Allah (swt) strengthens the believer. Steadfastness means that the servant does not change his direction away from Allah’s path, no matter how fiercely life’s trials may blow against him/her. The true believer’s striving is to continue on the path of the truth, without ever being swayed by temptation. There are, in fact, three types of steadfastness mentioned in the Qur’an: steadfastness of the heart – firmness in faith, trust in Allah, and acceptance of His decree, steadfastness of speech – adhering to truth and refuting falsehood, and steadfastness of action – courage, resolve, and the refusal to show cowardice or retreat in critical moments. The core of steadfastness lies indeed in the heart; if the heart is sound, truthful speech follows, and the feet would be firmly rooted.
Vying on steadfastness brings tranquility. When one is assured that he/she is on the right path, the heart would be comforted and free from doubt, hesitation, or retreat. This leads one to focus on being truthful to Allah (swt) in one’s actions and commitments, which brings the blessings of the continuity in steadfastness. Therefore, it is necessary for one to be steadfast on the path to increase in truthfulness. This action of truthfulness needs to encompass sincere reform after repentance. “Then, indeed your Lord, to those who have done wrong out of ignorance, and then repent after that and correct themselves – indeed, your Lord, thereafter, is Forgiving and Merciful” (16:119). It also necessitates the fulfilling of promises after pledging allegiance: “Remember Allah’s favor upon you and the covenant He made with you when you said, 'We hear and obey.' And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart” (5:7). Lastly, a genuine state of being is needed after responding to Allah’s call. When the servant says, “Here I am, O Lord,” he/she must follow then in a way where his/her state aligns with his/her words, for actions either validate or falsify words.
Striving to increase in truthfulness allows the servants to taste the wonders of the Quran, as they find within it the elements of guidance for their path, the divine support and assistance they anticipate, and glad tidings of Allah’s honor upon them. “Say, 'The Pure Spirit [i.e., Jibreel] has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims'” (16:102). Indeed, all the pathways to steadfastness are woven throughout the Quran, intertwined with divine laws that protect and serve them. Thus, the believer understands in advance what God would decree.
When reflecting on the concept of truthfulness, we find its broader meaning is preserving the truth, the essence of which and absolute meaning is the oneness of Allah (swt). Preserving the oneness of Allah (swt) is achieved through the Ubudiya (servitude to Allah). Therefore, excelling in Ubudiya is the path to achieve the highest levels of truthfulness – within the human capacity. Such servitude manifests through complete humility to Allah (swt). This humility is realized through two main specific actions, despairing of salvation via one's deeds alone, and acknowledging one’s absolute dependence on Allah (swt) and dire need for Him.
It is at this point that all clouds obstructing the light of guidance would be lifted from one’s insight, and the servant could then perceive the subtle mercies of Allah (swt) bestowed upon them. It is at this point that every stance in life would be mindfully vowed to be aligned with the divine guidance. At every trial, one’s goal would focus on having the heart to remain firm on the path of the truth. When Sa’d ibn Mu’adh in his judgement in the case of Bani-Quraidha, was approached by his people saying to him: “O Abu Amr, these are your allies, your confederates, and those who stood with you against others.” Sa’d responded: “It is now time for me not to care about the blame of any blamer for the sake of Allah.” It is this firmness in the sake of Allah (swt) and stance of truthfulness, which raised Sa’d to a high rank among the righteous servants. When he died shortly after, the Prophet (pbuh) said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the angels rejoiced at the soul of Sa’d, and the Throne trembled for him.”
When the time for loyalty for Anas bin An-Ndhr – one of those who were true to what they pledged to Allah – came during the Battle of Uhud, some Muslims were faltering and sitting back after the rumor spread that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was killed. Upon seeing this, he said, "If the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has indeed died, then stand up and die upon what your Prophet died for.” He then drew his sword and said: "O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for what these [the Muslims] have done, and I disassociate myself from what those [the polytheists] have done.” He charged into the ranks of the polytheists. Sa’d saw him and asked, "Where are you going, Anas?" Anas replied, "Ah, the scent of Paradise! I can sense it near Mountain of Uhud.” He fought fiercely until he fell as a martyr.
O Allah, grant us the immense favor to reach Ramadan.